Source code for ergodicity.cases

cases Module Overview

The **`cases`** module showcases a selection of illustrative and practical examples that demonstrate how the library can be used in a variety of contexts. These examples highlight the key functionalities of the library and serve as a guide for users to explore different features in action. Whether you are a beginner seeking to understand the basic processes or an advanced user exploring complex models, this module provides valuable insights through real-world applications.

Key Purposes of this Module:

1. **Demonstrate Library Capabilities**:

   - The cases are designed to show the power and flexibility of the library by showcasing its application in different domains, such as stochastic processes, evolutionary neural networks, and utility function fitting.

2. **Educational and Illustrative**:

   - Each case walks through a specific feature or combination of features, offering a hands-on way to learn how the library can be applied to real-world problems.

3. **Complete, Ready-to-Run Examples**:

   - All cases are self-contained, meaning you can execute them as they are to explore various processes, agents, and tools provided by the library.

4. **Broad Spectrum of Examples**:

   - The examples cover simple simulations, advanced stochastic modeling, neural networks, agent-based modeling, utility function fitting, and more. These cases provide a broad perspective on how the library can be leveraged in different scenarios.

Structure of the Module:

1. **`IntroCase`**:

   - A basic introduction to using the library with the `GeometricBrownianMotion` process. The case involves simulating data, visualizing moments, and comparing averages.

2. **`UtilityFitting_case`**:

   - Demonstrates utility function fitting by showcasing how multiple utility functions can be fitted using agent choices and different stochastic processes.

3. **`EvolutionaryNN_case`**:

   - Explores the use of evolutionary neural networks with agents making decisions based on encoded processes. The case covers process generation, neural network mutation, cloning, and evolutionary training of agents.

4. **`StochasticHeatEquation_case`**:

   - Simulates a stochastic partial differential equation (PDE), specifically the stochastic heat equation, showcasing advanced simulation techniques and visualizations like 3D plotting and animations.

5. **`BasicUtilityAgent_case`**:

   - Illustrates the use of basic utility agents interacting with `GeometricBrownianMotion`, comparing symbolic and numerical expected utilities, and running evolutionary algorithms to optimize agent behavior.

6. **`TimeAverageDynamicsGBM_case`**:

   - Focuses on time-average dynamics in a Geometric Brownian Motion process and demonstrates the ergodicity transformation.

7. **`GeometricLevyProcess_case`**:

   - Simulates and visualizes the Geometric Levy Process, showcasing how ensemble and time averages can be computed and compared.

8. **`VariousSimulations_case`**:

   - A collection of simulations involving various stochastic processes such as the Bessel process, Brownian bridge, Cauchy process, and more, illustrating the library's capabilities across multiple process types.

9. **`MultivariateGeometricBrownianMotion_case`**:

   - Demonstrates how to simulate and visualize multivariate Geometric Brownian Motion with a specified correlation matrix.

10. **`GeometricBrownianMotion_case`**:

   - Uses parallel execution to simulate the Geometric Brownian Motion process efficiently across multiple settings.

11. **`ItoLemmaApplication`**:

   - Applies Ito's Lemma to a given stochastic differential equation (SDE), providing insight into how symbolic manipulation can be used for process analysis.

Use Cases:

- **Educational Use**: The module provides learning materials for users who are new to stochastic processes, agent-based modeling, or neural networks.

- **Advanced Experimentation**: For experienced users, the cases demonstrate advanced features such as process encoding, utility fitting, evolutionary strategies, and stochastic PDEs.

- **Library Exploration**: Users can explore different parts of the library by running these cases and understanding how each component functions in practice.

## Important Notes:

- **Illustrative Nature**: While these cases serve as valuable educational tools, they also illustrate how the library can be applied to complex scenarios in a meaningful way.

- **Self-Contained**: Each case is self-contained and can be run independently to experiment with specific functionalities of the library.

- **Comprehensive Coverage**: The examples in this module cover a wide range of topics, from basic stochastic processes to advanced neural networks, making it a versatile resource for learning.


import ergodicity.process as ep
from ergodicity.process import multiplicative as em
import ergodicity.agents as ea
import ergodicity.integrations as ei
from ergodicity import developer_tools as dt
import numpy as np
from ergodicity.process.default_values import *
from ergodicity.configurations import *
from import *
import sympy as sp
from import *
from ergodicity.process.multiplicative import GeometricBrownianMotion
from ergodicity.process.basic import BrownianMotion
from ergodicity.agents.agents import *
from import PSDESimulator
from ergodicity.agents.evolutionary_nn import *
from ergodicity.agents.evaluation import *

[docs] def GBM_Properties_case(): """ This case demonstrates how to access and modify properties of the GeometricBrownianMotion process. :return: None """ from ergodicity.process.multiplicative import GeometricBrownianMotion gbm = GeometricBrownianMotion(drift=0.05, volatility=0.2) print(f"Process name: {}") print(f"Is multiplicative: {gbm.multiplicative}") print(f"Has independent increments: {gbm.independent}") print(f"Is an Ito process: {gbm.ito}") = "My Custom GBM" gbm.output_dir = "custom_gbm_results" print(f"Updated process name: {}") print(f"New output directory: {gbm.output_dir}") if gbm.custom: print("This is a custom process") else: print("This is a standard library process") if gbm.simulate_with_differential: print("This process uses differential methods for simulation") else: print("This process uses probability distributions for simulation") print(f"Process types: {gbm.types}") # Add a new type gbm.types.append("financial") # Check if the process is of a certain type if "geometric" in gbm.types: print("This is a geometric process") from ergodicity.process.basic import BrownianMotion processes = [ GeometricBrownianMotion(drift=0.05, volatility=0.2), BrownianMotion(drift=0, scale=1) ] for process in processes: print(f"{}:") print(f" Multiplicative: {process.multiplicative}") print(f" Independent increments: {process.independent}") print(f" Types: {', '.join(process.types)}") print()
[docs] def IntroCase(): """ This is an introductory case that demonstrates the basic usage of the library with the GeometricBrownianMotion process. :return: simulated_data: The simulated data from the GeometricBrownianMotion process. :rtype: np.ndarray """ from ergodicity.process.multiplicative import GeometricBrownianMotion as GBM gbm = GBM(drift=0.02, volatility=0.3) simulated_data = gbm.simulate(t=10, timestep=0.01, num_instances=10, save=True, plot=True) moments = gbm.visualize_moments(simulated_data) from import compare_averages averages = compare_averages(simulated_data) return simulated_data, moments, averages
[docs] def UtilityFitting_case(model_path): """ This case demonstrates the functionality for the empirical utility function fitting using the UtilityFunctionInference class. :param model_path: :type model_path: str :return: None """ processes = [ {'type': 'BrownianMotion'}, {'type': 'GeometricBrownianMotion'}, # Add more process types here as needed ] param_ranges = { 'BrownianMotion': {'drift': (0, 0.5), 'scale': (0.1, 0.5)}, 'GeometricBrownianMotion': {'drift': (0, 0.5), 'volatility': (0.1, 0.5)}, # Add parameter ranges for other process types here } # Initialize the UtilityFunctionInference with the path to your trained model ufi = UtilityFunctionInference(model_path, param_ranges) # Add utility functions to be considered ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Power', utility_power, [1.0])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Exponential', utility_exp, [1.0])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Logarithmic', utility_log, [1.0])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Quadratic', utility_quadratic, [1.0, 0.5])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Arctan', utility_arctan, [1.0])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Sigmoid', utility_sigmoid, [10.0, 0.25])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Linear Threshold', utility_linear_threshold, [1.0, 0.1])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Cobb-Douglas', utility_cobb_douglas, [0.5, 0.5])) ufi.add_utility_function(UtilityFunction('Prospect Theory', utility_prospect_theory, [0.88, 2.25])) # Generate dataset dataset = ufi.generate_dataset(processes=processes, num_instances=2, n_simulations=2) # Get agent choices choices = ufi.get_agent_choices(dataset) # Fit utility functions ufi.fit_utility_functions(dataset, choices) # Print results ufi.print_results() # Plot utility functions ufi.plot_utility_functions() # You can also access individual fitted utility functions best_utility_function = min(ufi.utility_functions, key=lambda uf: uf.nll) print(f"The best-fitting utility function is: {}") print(f"With parameters: {best_utility_function.fitted_params}") # Use the best-fitting utility function x = 0.3 # Example input utility = best_utility_function(x) print(f"The utility of {x} according to the best-fitting function is: {utility}")
[docs] def EvolutionaryNN_case(): """ This case demonstrates the use of evolutionary neural networks for agent-based modeling with encoded processes. It covers process generation, neural network mutation, cloning, and evolutionary training of agents. The goal is to optimize agent behavior based on encoded processes and fitness evaluation. :return: final_agents: The final agents after the evolutionary training. :rtype: list """ # Define process types process_types = [GeometricBrownianMotion, BrownianMotion] # Define parameter ranges for each process type param_ranges = { 'GeometricBrownianMotion': { 'drift': (-0.2, 0.2), 'volatility': (0.01, 0.5) }, 'BrownianMotion': { 'drift': (-0.4, 0.5), 'scale': (0.01, 0.6) } } # Generate processes processes = generate_processes(100, process_types, param_ranges) # print(processes) # Create a ProcessEncoder instance encoder = ProcessEncoder() # Encode and pad all processes encoded_processes = [encoder.pad_encoded_process(encoder.encode_process(p)) for p in processes] # print(encoded_processes) # Create a network with custom hyperparameters net = NeuralNetwork( input_size=11, hidden_sizes=[20, 10], output_size=1, activation='leaky_relu', output_activation='sigmoid', dropout_rate=0.1, batch_norm=True, weight_init='he_uniform', learning_rate=0.001, optimizer='adam' ) # Create some dummy input input_data = torch.randn(1, 11) # Forward pass output = net(input_data) print(f"Network output: {output.item()}") print(f"Number of parameters: {net.get_num_parameters()}") # Mutate the network net.mutate(mutation_rate=0.1, mutation_scale=0.1) # Clone the network net_clone = net.clone() # Save the network'my_network.pth') # Load the network loaded_net = NeuralNetwork.load('my_network.pth') # Create an agent agent = NeuralNetworkAgent(net) # Example list of encoded processes encoded_processes = [ [1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 0.05, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ] # Select a process selected_index = agent.select_process(encoded_processes) print(f"Selected process index: {selected_index}") # Update wealth (assuming we've simulated the selected process and got a return) agent.update_wealth(1.05) # 5% return print(f"Updated wealth: {agent.wealth}") # Calculate fitness agent.calculate_fitness() print(f"Agent fitness: {}") # Mutate the agent agent.mutate() # Clone the agent cloned_agent = agent.clone() # Save and load the agent"agent_state.pth") loaded_agent = NeuralNetworkAgent.load("agent_state.pth") process_encoder = ProcessEncoder() process_times = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0] trainer = EvolutionaryNeuralNetworkTrainer( population_size=10, input_size=11, # Assuming 11 input features for the encoded process hidden_sizes=[20, 10], output_size=1, processes=processes, process_encoder=process_encoder, with_exchange=False, # Set to False for the algorithm without exchange top_k=10, exchange_interval=10, keep_top_n=5, removal_interval=3, process_selection_share=0.5, process_times=process_times, output_dir='output_nn/3', ) population, history = trainer.train(n_steps=300, save_interval=50) best_agent = max(population, key=lambda agent: agent.accumulated_wealth) print(f"Best agent accumulated wealth: {best_agent.accumulated_wealth}")
[docs] def StochasticHeatEquation_case(): """ This case demonstrates the simulation of a stochastic partial differential equation (PDE), specifically the stochastic heat equation. :return: None """ # Define the PSDE components def drift(t, x, u, u_x, u_xx): return 0.01 * u_xx # Heat equation term def diffusion(t, x, u): return 0.2 * np.ones_like(x) # Constant noise def initial_condition(x): return np.sin(np.pi * x) # Initial sine wave def boundary_condition(t, x): return 0 # Zero at boundaries # Set up the simulation simulator = PSDESimulator( drift=drift, diffusion=diffusion, initial_condition=initial_condition, x_range=(0, 10), t_range=(0, 50), nx=1000, nt=5000, boundary_condition=("neumann", boundary_condition) ) # Run the simulation simulator.simulate() # Plot the results simulator.plot_results() # Create 3D plot simulator.plot_3d() # Create animation simulator.create_animation() print("Simulation and visualization complete.")
[docs] def BasicUtilityAgent_case(): """ This case demonstrates the use of basic utility agents interacting with GeometricBrownianMotion processes. :return: final_agents: The final agents after the evolutionary training. :rtype: list """ drift=0.4 volatility=0.3 process = GeometricBrownianMotion(drift=drift, volatility=volatility) process_dict = process_to_dict(process) print(process_dict) params = np.array([2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0]) t = 1.0 Agent_utility.compare_numerical_and_symbolic_expected_utility(process_dict, params, GeometricBrownianMotion, t=1.0) print(stochastic_process_class.closed_formula()) # Example usage with multiple processes def symbolic_process(t, W, mu, sigma): return sp.exp((mu - 0.5 * sigma ** 2) * t + sigma * W) def generate_processes(num_processes, drift_range=(-0.2, 0.2), volatility_range=(0.01, 0.5)): processes = [] for i in range(num_processes): drift = np.random.uniform(*drift_range) volatility = np.random.uniform(*volatility_range) if i % 2 == 0: # Create a dictionary-based process processes.append({ 'symbolic': lambda t, W, drift, volatility: sp.exp( (drift - 0.5 * volatility ** 2) * t + volatility * W), 'drift': drift, 'volatility': volatility }) else: # Create a GeometricBrownianMotion instance processes.append(GeometricBrownianMotion(drift=drift, volatility=volatility)) return processes n_agents = 10 n_steps = 20 save_interval = 10 removal_percentage = 0.5 removal_interval = 5 process_selection_share: float = 1 keep_top_n = 10 evolution_steps = 5 processes = generate_processes(10) # print(processes) parameter = 2 param_means = np.array([parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter, 0]) param_stds = [parameter] * 5 param_stds = np.array(param_stds) mutation_rate = 0.05 # final_agents, history = Agent_utility.evolutionary_algorithm( # n_agents, n_steps, save_interval, processes, # param_means, param_stds, mutation_rate, # stochastic_process_class=GeometricBrownianMotion, # keep_top_n=keep_top_n, # Specify the number of top agents to keep # removal_interval=removal_interval, # process_selection_share=process_selection_share, # numeric_utilities=True # ) final_agents, history = Agent_utility.evolutionary_algorithm_with_exchange(n_agents=n_agents, n_steps=n_steps, save_interval=save_interval, processes=processes, param_means=param_means, param_stds=param_stds, noise_std=mutation_rate, top_k=5, stochastic_process_class=GeometricBrownianMotion, process_selection_share=process_selection_share, output_dir='evolution_results', s=evolution_steps, numeric_utilities=False) print('Final agents:') print(final_agents, history) # Print some results print(f"Number of agents at the end: {len(final_agents)}") print(f"Average wealth at the end: {np.mean([agent.wealth for agent in final_agents]):.2f}") best_agent = max(final_agents, key=lambda a: a.total_accumulated_wealth) print(f"Best agent's wealth: {best_agent.wealth:.2f}") print(f"Best agent's total accumulated wealth: {best_agent.total_accumulated_wealth:.2f}") print(f"Best agent's parameters: {best_agent.params}") visualize_agent_evolution(history) analyze_utility_function_trends(history)
[docs] def TimeAverageDynamicsGBM_case(): """ This case focuses on time-average dynamics in a Geometric Brownian Motion process and demonstrates the ergodicity transformation. :return: None """ # Define symbols x, t = sp.symbols('x t') # Example: Geometric Brownian Motion mu = 0.1 * x sigma = 0.3 * x # Call ergodicity_transform function (assuming it's defined elsewhere) is_consistent, u, a_u, b_u = ergodicity_transform(mu, sigma, x, t) if is_consistent: # Calculate time average dynamics time_avg_dynamics = calculate_time_average_dynamics(u, a_u, x, t) if time_avg_dynamics: print("\nTime average dynamics for Geometric Brownian Motion:") print(f"x(t) = {time_avg_dynamics}") # Optional: Simplify the result simplified_dynamics = sp.simplify(time_avg_dynamics) print(f"Simplified time average dynamics: x(t) = {simplified_dynamics}") else: print("The process is not ergodic, cannot calculate time average dynamics.")
# Simulate Geometric Levy Process
[docs] def GeometricLevyProcess_case(): """ This case simulates and visualizes the Geometric Levy Process, showcasing how ensemble and time averages can be computed and compared. It is a very general and frequently used process in many areas and the library puts a strong emphasis on it. :return: None """ variance = 0.004 mean = 0.0036 correct_scale = (scale_default)*variance**0.5 glp = ep.multiplicative.GeometricLevyProcess(alpha = 1.5, beta=-0.04, loc = mean, scale = correct_scale) data = glp.simulate(t=1, timestep=0.001, num_instances=1, plot=True) moments = glp.visualize_moments(data, save=True, mask=1000) e = glp.growth_rate_ensemble_average(num_instances=10) print(e) ta = glp.growth_rate_time_average(timestep = 0.01, t=10) print(ta) simulated_data_glp = (glp.simulate(t=10, timestep=0.0001, num_instances=1, plot=True)) c = compare_averages(simulated_data_glp) print(c) ge = glp.growth_rate_ensemble_average(num_instances=10) print(ge) gt = glp.growth_rate_time_average(t=10) # print(gt) return None
[docs] def VariousSimulations_case(): """ This case demonstrates a collection of simulations involving various stochastic processes, showcasing the library's capabilities across multiple process types. :return: data: The simulated data for each process. :rtype: list """ data = [] moments_all = [] # Simulate Bessel Process bp = ep.basic.StandardBesselProcess() simulated_data_bp = bp.simulate(t=10.0, timestep=0.01, num_instances=10, plot=True) moments = bp.moments(simulated_data_bp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_bp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Brownian Bridge bb = ep.basic.StandardBrownianBridge(b=1) simulated_data_bb = bb.simulate_raw(plot=True) moments = bb.moments(simulated_data_bb, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_bb) # Simulate Brownian Excursion be = ep.basic.StandardBrownianExcursion() simulated_data_be = be.simulate() moments = be.moments(simulated_data_be, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_be) # Simulate Brownian Meander bm = ep.basic.StandardBrownianMeander() simulated_data_bm = bm.simulate() moments = bm.moments(simulated_data_bm, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_bm) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Cauchy Process cp = ep.basic.CauchyProcess() simulated_data_cp = cp.simulate() moments = cp.moments(simulated_data_cp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_cp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Fractional Brownian Motion fbm = ep.basic.StandardFractionalBrownianMotion(hurst=0.5) simulated_data_fbm = fbm.simulate() moments = fbm.moments(simulated_data_fbm, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_fbm) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Gamma Process gp = ep.basic.GammaProcess(rate=2.0) simulated_data_gp = gp.simulate() moments = gp.moments(simulated_data_gp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_gp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Inverse Gaussian Process igp = ep.basic.InverseGaussianProcess() simulated_data_igp = igp.simulate() moments = igp.moments(simulated_data_igp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_igp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate StandardMultifractionalBrownianMotion smbm = ep.basic.StandardMultifractionalBrownianMotion(hurst = lambda t: 0.1) simulated_data_smbm = smbm.simulate() moments = smbm.moments(simulated_data_smbm, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_smbm) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Wiener Process pp = ep.basic.WienerProcess() simulated_data_pp = pp.simulate() moments = pp.moments(simulated_data_pp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_pp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Poisson Process pp = ep.basic.PoissonProcess() simulated_data_pp = pp.simulate_live() moments = pp.moments(simulated_data_pp, save = True) data.append(simulated_data_pp) moments_all.append(moments) # Simulate Levy Stable Process lsp = ep.basic.LevyStableProcess(alpha = 2, loc=0.01, scale=(scale_default)*0.02**0.5) simulated_data_lsp = lsp.simulate_raw(t = 10, timestep=0.01, num_instances = 100, plot=True) moments = lsp.visualize_moments(simulated_data_lsp) data.append(simulated_data_lsp) moments_all.append(moments) return data, moments_all
# Simulate Multivariate Brownian Motion
[docs] def MultivariateGeometricBrownianMotion_case(): """ This case demonstrates how to simulate and visualize multivariate Geometric Brownian Motion with a specified correlation matrix. :return: None """ from ergodicity.process.definitions import correlation_to_covariance from ergodicity.process.definitions import create_correlation_matrix size = 500 correlation = 0.1 correlation_matrix = create_correlation_matrix(size, correlation) standard_devs = [0.1**0.5] * size covariance_matrix = correlation_to_covariance(correlation_matrix, standard_devs) print(covariance_matrix) mbm = ep.multiplicative.MultivariateGeometricBrownianMotion(drift = [0.04]*size, scale = covariance_matrix) # simulated_data_mbm = mbm.simulate(t=100, timestep=0.1, plot=True) mbm.simulate_ensemble(n=50, t=40, timestep=0.1, save=True) return None
# Simulate Geometric Brownian Motion using parallel execution
[docs] def GeometricBrownianMotion_case(): """ This case uses parallel execution to simulate the Geometric Brownian Motion process efficiently across multiple settings. Geometric Brownian Motion is a fundamental process in stochastic calculus and financial mathematics. :return: results: The results of the parallel execution. :rtype: list """ gbm = ep.multiplicative.GeometricBrownianMotion(drift=0.0011, volatility=0.002**0.5) from import ParallelExecutionManager manager = ParallelExecutionManager() tasks_to_run = [ {'name': 'simulate_raw', 'object': gbm, 'arguments': {'t': 10, 'timestep': 0.01, 'num_instances': 1000, 'save': True}}, {'name': 'simulate_raw', 'object': gbm, 'arguments': {'t': 10, 'timestep': 0.001, 'num_instances': 100, 'save': True}}, {'name': 'simulate_raw', 'object': gbm, 'arguments': {'t': 10, 'timestep': 0.0001, 'num_instances': 10, 'save': True}}, ] results = manager.execute(tasks_to_run) return results
[docs] def ItoLemmaApplication(): """ This case applies Ito's Lemma to a given stochastic differential equation (SDE), providing insight into how symbolic manipulation can be used for process analysis. :return: result: The result of applying Ito's Lemma to the given SDE. :rtype: sympy.Expr """ # Define symbols x, t = sp.symbols('x t') mu1 = sp.symbols('mu1') sigma1 = sp.symbols('sigma1') # Define example functions f = sp.log(x) mu = mu1*x sigma = sigma1*x # Apply Ito's Lemma result = ito_differential(f, mu, sigma, x, t) print("Ito's Lemma applied to f(x,t) = x^2 * e^t with dx = 2x*dt + x*dW:") print(result) return result