partial_sde Submodule
The `Partial SDE` submodule provides functionality for simulating, visualizing, and analyzing stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). The core of this module is the `PSDESimulator` class, which implements numerical solutions to SPDEs, allowing users to model systems with both deterministic drift and stochastic diffusion terms over time and space.
Key Features:
1. **Stochastic PDE Simulation**:
- The simulator models the evolution of a spatially distributed quantity `u(t, x)` over time with specified drift and diffusion terms. These terms represent the deterministic and stochastic components of the equation, respectively.
- The simulator supports different boundary conditions including Dirichlet, Neumann, and periodic.
2. **Numerical Solution**:
- The SPDE is solved using a finite difference approach in both time and space, with the option to include stochastic noise (via a Wiener process) at each time step.
3. **Visualization**:
- **2D Plots**: The `plot_results` method provides a 2D surface plot of the solution over time and space, along with a time slice at the final time step.
- **3D Plots**: The `plot_3d` method generates a 3D surface plot to visualize the evolution of the solution.
- **Animations**: The `create_animation` method generates an animation of the solution's evolution, saved as a video file.
4. **Customizability**:
- Users can define their own drift and diffusion terms, initial conditions, and boundary conditions to simulate a wide variety of SPDEs.
- The spatial and temporal resolution can be adjusted through the `nx` (number of spatial points) and `nt` (number of time points) parameters.
Example Usage:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define the drift (deterministic) term of the SPDE (e.g., heat equation)
def drift(t, x, u, u_x, u_xx):
return 0.01 * u_xx # Heat equation term
# Define the diffusion (stochastic) term of the SPDE
def diffusion(t, x, u):
return 0.1 * np.ones_like(x) # Constant noise term
# Define the initial condition
def initial_condition(x):
return np.sin(np.pi * x) # Initial sine wave
# Initialize the simulator
simulator = PSDESimulator(
x_range=(0, 1),
t_range=(0, 1),
# Run the simulation
# Visualize the results
print("Simulation and visualization complete.")
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from typing import Callable, Tuple
from ergodicity.process.basic import WienerProcess
def wiener_increment_function(timestep_increment: float):
Function to generate Wiener process increments.
This is a default increment function for the PSDE simulator.
It can be changed to use different increments, such as for example Levy increments.
:param timestep_increment: The time step of the discrete increment
:type timestep_increment: float
:return: The Wiener process increment
:rtype: float
WP = WienerProcess()
dW = WP.increment(timestep_increment=timestep_increment)
return dW
class PSDESimulator:
Partial Stochastic Differential Equation (PSDE) Simulator.
This class provides functionality to simulate and visualize the stochastic evolution of a spatially distributed quantity
drift (Callable): The drift function f(t, x, u, u_x, u_xx)
diffusion (Callable): The diffusion function g(t, x, u)
initial_condition (Callable): The initial condition u(0, x)
x_range (tuple): The spatial range (x_min, x_max)
t_range (tuple): The time range (t_min, t_max)
nx (int): Number of spatial points
nt (int): Number of time points
boundary_type (str): Type of boundary condition (e.g., "dirichlet", "neumann", "periodic")
boundary_func (Callable): The boundary condition function
x (ndarray): Spatial grid points
t (ndarray): Time grid points
dx (float): Spatial step size
dt (float): Time step size
u (ndarray): Array to store the solution u(t, x)
def __init__(self,
drift: Callable,
diffusion: Callable,
initial_condition: Callable,
x_range: tuple,
t_range: tuple,
nx: int,
nt: int,
boundary_condition: Tuple[str, Callable] = ("dirichlet", lambda t, x: 0), increment: Callable = wiener_increment_function):
Initialize the PSDE simulator.
:param drift: The drift function f(t, x, u, u_x, u_xx)
:type drift: Callable
:param diffusion: The diffusion function g(t, x, u)
:type diffusion: Callable
:param initial_condition: The initial condition u(0, x)
:type initial_condition: Callable
:param x_range: The spatial range (x_min, x_max)
:type x_range: tuple
:param t_range: The time range (t_min, t_max)
:type t_range: tuple
:param nx: Number of spatial points
:type nx: int
:param nt: Number of time points
:type nt: int
:param boundary_condition: Type of boundary condition and function. It can be "dirichlet", "neumann", or "periodic"
:type boundary_condition: Tuple[str, Callable]
:param increment: The increment function for the stochastic term (default: Wiener process)
:type increment: Callable
self.drift = drift
self.diffusion = diffusion
self.initial_condition = initial_condition
self.x_range = x_range
self.t_range = t_range
self.nx = nx
self.nt = nt
self.boundary_type, self.boundary_func = boundary_condition
self.x = np.linspace(x_range[0], x_range[1], nx)
self.t = np.linspace(t_range[0], t_range[1], nt)
self.dx = (x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / (nx - 1)
self.dt = (t_range[1] - t_range[0]) / (nt - 1)
self.u = np.zeros((nt, nx))
self.u[0, :] = initial_condition(self.x)
# Apply initial boundary conditions
self.increment = increment
def apply_boundary_condition(self, n):
Apply boundary conditions at time step n.
:param n: The time step index
:type n: int
:return: None
:rtype: None
if self.boundary_type == "dirichlet":
self.u[n, 0] = self.boundary_func(self.t[n], self.x[0])
self.u[n, -1] = self.boundary_func(self.t[n], self.x[-1])
elif self.boundary_type == "neumann":
# Forward difference for left boundary, backward for right
self.u[n, 0] = self.u[n, 1] - self.dx * self.boundary_func(self.t[n], self.x[0])
self.u[n, -1] = self.u[n, -2] + self.dx * self.boundary_func(self.t[n], self.x[-1])
elif self.boundary_type == "periodic":
self.u[n, 0] = self.u[n, -2]
self.u[n, -1] = self.u[n, 1]
raise ValueError("Unsupported boundary condition type")
def simulate(self):
Run the simulation.
:return: None
:rtype: None
for n in range(1, self.nt):
# dW = np.sqrt(self.dt) * np.random.normal(0, 1, self.nx)
dW = [self.increment(timestep_increment=self.dt) for i in range(self.nx)]
u_x = np.gradient(self.u[n - 1], self.dx)
u_xx = np.gradient(u_x, self.dx)
drift_term = self.drift(self.t[n - 1], self.x, self.u[n - 1], u_x, u_xx)
diffusion_term = self.diffusion(self.t[n - 1], self.x, self.u[n - 1])
self.u[n] = (self.u[n - 1] +
drift_term * self.dt +
diffusion_term * dW)
# Apply boundary conditions after each time step
def plot_results(self):
Plot the results of the simulation. This includes a 2D surface plot of the function evolution and a time slice at the final time step.
:return: None
:rtype: None
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))
# Surface plot
T, X = np.meshgrid(self.t, self.x)
surf = ax1.contourf(T, X, self.u.T, cmap='viridis')
ax1.set_title('Surface Plot of u(t,x)')
plt.colorbar(surf, ax=ax1)
# Final time slice
ax2.plot(self.x, self.u[-1, :])
ax2.set_title(f'u(t,x) at t = {self.t[-1]:.2f}')
def plot_3d(self):
Create a 3D plot of the function evolution.
This plot shows the surface of u(t,x) over time and space.
:return: None
:rtype: None
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
T, X = np.meshgrid(self.t, self.x)
surf = ax.plot_surface(T, X, self.u.T, cmap='viridis')
ax.set_title('3D Evolution of u(t,x)')
def create_animation(self, filename='psde_evolution.mp4'):
Create an animation of the function evolution.
The animation shows the spatial distribution of u at each time step.
:param filename: The name of the output file (default: 'psde_evolution.mp4')
:type filename: str
:return: None
:rtype: None
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line, = ax.plot([], [])
ax.set_ylim(np.min(self.u), np.max(self.u))
def init():
line.set_data([], [])
return line,
def animate(i):
line.set_data(self.x, self.u[i, :])
ax.set_title(f't = {self.t[i]:.2f}')
return line,
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init,
frames=self.nt, interval=50, blit=True)
anim.save(filename, writer='ffmpeg', fps=30)
# Example usage: Heat equation with stochastic forcing
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Define the PSDE components
def drift(t, x, u, u_x, u_xx):
return 0.01 * u_xx # Heat equation term
def diffusion(t, x, u):
return 0.1 * np.ones_like(x) # Constant noise
def initial_condition(x):
return np.sin(np.pi * x) # Initial sine wave
# Set up the simulation
simulator = PSDESimulator(
x_range=(0, 1),
t_range=(0, 1),
# Run the simulation
# Plot the results
# Create 3D plot
# Create animation
print("Simulation and visualization complete.")